Connect to Aperture

  1. Add the following lines to the config file in the .ssh directory in your home directory:
Host aperture01
  User your_username
  ProxyJump jumpgate
  LocalForward 5906

replace your_username with your RCS ID.

  1. Open a terminal window on your computer. On Windows, you can use the Git Bash terminal that comes with Git for Windows. On Mac, you can use the Terminal application. On Linux, you can use the terminal application that comes with your distribution.

  2. Type the following command in the terminal window:

ssh aperture01
  1. When prompted, enter your RCS ID password. Or you can set up ssh on lab computers for passwordless login to the Lab computers.

  2. Search for Remote Desktop Connection in the start menu and open it.

  3. In the Remote Desktop Connection window, type localhost:5906 in the Computer field and click Connect.

  4. When prompted, enter your RCS ID password. Or you can set up ssh on lab computers for passwordless login to the Lab computers.

  5. You will be connected to the Aperture computer. You can now use the computer as if you are sitting in front of it.