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Lab Group Meetings

    Outline for Paper Review Talks

    Structure for paper review (rough outline don’t take slide counts too literally):

    1. Title of paper, authors, date, journal
    2. 2 slides on background, context, what’s identified as open problems
    3. 1-3 slides on methods (this will depend on complexity)
    4. 0.5-1 slide for each of the major figures in paper, typically between 8-12
    5. Discussion/conclusions: What points are the authors making with their paper. Do you agree? Do you think that the results that are presented justify the conclusions? Terminology: Any new words, or concepts that we should add to our lab documentation

    Schedule for Lab Meetings


    • 10/26: No Meeting
    • 11/2: Fuad, Paper Review: “preCICE – A fully parallel library for multi-physics surface coupling”
    • 11/9: Rifat, Paper Review: “Implicit modeling of screw threads for efficient finite element analysis of complex bone-implant systems”
    • 11/16: Abhiyan, Paper Review: “Common-refinement-based data transfer between non-matching meshes in multiphysics simulations”
    • 11/23: Thanksgiving, No Meeting
    • 12/7: Jacob, either “Update on GEM/XGC plasma-plasma coupling with PCMS”, or “Implementation of higher-order velocity mapping between marker particles and grid in the the particle-in-cell code XGC”
    • 12/14: Kulindu (remote/Webex), “Python interfaces for PCMS”