Size Effects in Random Fiber Networks Controlled by the Use of Generalized Boundary Conditions


Materials with a stochastic fiber network as the main structural constituent are broadly encountered in engineering and in biology. These materials are characterized by multiscale heterogeneity and hence their properties evaluated numerically or experimentally are generally dependent on the size of the sample considered. In this work we evaluate the size effect on the linear and non-linear mechanical response of three-dimensional stochastic fiber networks and determine its dependence on material parameters and on the degree of affinity of network deformation. The size effect is more pronounced in non-affine networks than in affine networks and decreases slowly when the model size increases. In order to eliminate this effect, models lager than can be effectively solved with current computers have to be considered. To address this issue, we propose a method that allows using relatively small models, while accurately predicting the small and large strain behaviors of the network. The method is based on the generalized boundary conditions introduced in (Glüge 2013, Computational Materials Science 79, 408–416), which are being adapted here to the requirements imposed by fibrous materials.

International Journal of Solids and Structures
Jacob Merson
Jacob Merson
Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering

loves to scale multiphysics simulations onto leadership class supercomputers